
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

The Fog Diver by Joel Ross - ESSENTIAL

Ross, Joel The Fog Diver, 328 pages.  Harper, 2015.  $7. 

Content: G. 

Chess was born with the Fog in his eye.  Adopted by a Mrs. E. , he and a handful of other orphans have cobbled together a life in the junkyards of the Rooftop – one of the few places above The Fog – a swarm of nanites originally programmed to cleanse the world of Smog, but they decided that humans were the source of the problem.  The ruler of the Rooftop, Lord Kodoc, created Chess in order to consolidate his rule of the world, and when the wrong person sees Chess’s eye, Lord Kodoc is on the hunt again.  How can a tiny family of misfits escape the most powerful person in a very small, dangerous world?

Ross cracks me with her crinkled historical references.  The action and danger are spot on, with a heaping dose of fun and whimsy.  I love little Bea who talks to machines and Chess’ other family members are just as endearing.  Awesome recommendation for all students.

EL, MS – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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