
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Milk Goes to School by Terry Border - ADVISABLE

Border, Terry Milk Goes to School.  PICTURE BOOK.  Philomel (Penguin), 2016.  $18. 

It’s Milk’s first day of school and things are not going as well as she had hoped.  While she tries to be friendly a little, some of the things she says aren’t particularly nice.  She seems to be on the bad side of Waffle, who thinks she is spoiled.  When she  falls and spills herself, a few of the others do stick up for her and the day ends on a better note than when it started. 

Border’s scene setting is just as cute as his first picture books; there are fun, fascinating details to explore on every page.  The story-telling is more heavy-handed this time, but it would be a great conversation starter if there is a disagreement going on in a classroom when personalities conflict.

Penguin has created some activity pages to go along with the book.
EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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