
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Disobedience School by Katie Hites - ESSENTIAL

Hites, Katie  Winnie & Waldorf Disobedience School,  PICTURE BOOK.  HarperCollins.  2016.  $17.99.  Content: G

 Winnie’s dog, Waldorf is really misbehaving. She decides to enroll her dog in her disobedience school. She sets out to teach her dog how to behave and they have “school.” She teaches him lots of different things, like spelling, story time, math, and  lots of other things. During gym class something terrible happens. The neighbor’s little dog is in terrible trouble. Will Waldorf be able to save his little friend and save the day?

This book is delightful! The story is great and the illustrations are beautiful, full of details and personality.

PRE-K, EL (K-3) – ESSENTIAL  Reviewer: Ellen-Anita, Librarian

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