
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Celebrating Louisiana by Jane Kurtz -OPTIONAL

Kurtz, Jane Celebrating Louisiana 35 pages. Houghton Mifflin, 2015. $3.99.  Content: Language: G (0 swears) Mature Content: G Violence: G EARLY READER
Mr. Geo is a geography teacher who visits states in the series. In this book he is in Louisiana. Mr. Geo shows readers natural wonders, things to see and do, history, and interesting facts. This one features cooking gumbo, oil in and the gulf of Mexico, mardi gras, and jazz music. The illustrations are stellar.
Sorry to repeat my opinion but it hasn’t changed. I am torn on this series. I sometimes have a run of younger students interested in the states, but the big push is in fifth grade, making this series way too easy to read. This is my personal opinion, but mustaches guys kind of creep me out, wish the host of the series was different. If you purchase the paperback versions, you can buy the whole series on the cheap, and maybe you can start a run of younger readers interested in the States.

EL(K-3)  – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.


  1. Oddly, these would be just perfect for some of my ESL students who want to learn more about their new country. I'll see if our public library has them. Wonder what they'll say about Ohio?!

  2. I wanted to read Utah first, myself, just to see how thorough they were, its harder to review for states I have never been or have hardly been to. Now that you mention it, this series would be perfect for the 5th grade special ed research unit. Totally going to pick these up.
