
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Too Many Toys! by Heidi Deedman - NO

Deedman, Heidi Too Many Toys! PICTURE BOOK Candlewick, 2015. $15.99. Content: G

Lulu has her most favorite toy, her stuffed bear, Jupiter. However, as the birthdays and Christmases roll by, Lulu keeps getting more and more toys. Soon there won’t be any room left anywhere! Then Lulu gets an idea to throw an event that will make everyone, including Jupiter, much happier.

The illustrations of this picture book are cute, but the story lacks. A book about a girl who is bemoaning having so many toys that they can no longer fit in her house comes across as too out of touch with the majority of children and their situations. While the expected message of Lulu being magnanimous enough to give away all her toys to her friends is fine, the overall theme of privilege does not sit well.

EL (K-3)—Not Recommended AEB

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