
Monday, June 13, 2016

Rory the Dinosaur Wants a Pet by Liz Climo - ADVISABLE

Climo, Liz Rory the Dinosaur Wants a Pet, PICTUREBOOK. Little Brown and Company (Hatchette) 2016. $16.99. Content: G.

Rory’s friend Hank has a pet.  He is fun to play with and now Rory wants a pet.  All the way home he looks for a pet, but all of them are wrong (too busy, to hard to get to, not interested in being a pet) but then a coconut rolls by and Rory thinks it followed him home and wants to keep it for a pet.  

This funny story could start discussions about what a pet is, and how to acquire one.  It was strange but funny seeing an animal with another animal as a pet.  Particularly when Rory asked a Tortoise if he would be his pet and the tortoise said “Nope”.  Simple illustrations, cute story. Loved the coconut playing dress-up.  

EL  (K-3) - ADVISABLE  Lisa Librarian

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