
Thursday, June 30, 2016

Mary Jemison: Native American Captive (Based on a True Stories Series) by E.F. Abbott (AKA Jane Kelley) -ADVISABLE

Abbott, EF (Jane Kelley) Mary Jemison: Native American Captive (Based on a True Stories Series), 180 pages.  Macmillion , 2016.  $15.99.  Content: Language: G (0 swears) Mature Content: PG Violence: PG
Mary Jemison is living on the frontier with her family in the mid 1700s, when her life is turned upside down. Local Native Americans are not happy with the encroachment of their lands by the settlers and are taking revenge. They capture Mary’s family and she is eventually taken away to live with a tribe. She is forced to live with the tribe, a replacement for one of their own that was killed by the settlers. Gradually Mary learns the language and customs, but will she able to get back home? That make’s her question where her true home is.
This is my favorite in the series so far! This book doesn’t hold back with the violence, reality and some mature content (marriage and children). It’s a fascinating historical fiction and includes photographs and illustrations to help illuminate parts of the story.
EL, MS– ADVISABLE.  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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