
Sunday, June 26, 2016

Go, Otto, Go! by David Milgrim -- OPTIONAL

Milgrim, David Go, Otto, Go! (The Adventures of Otto). EARLY READER. Simon Spotlight (Simon & Schuster), 2016. $16.99. Content: G.

Otto the robot misses his family, so he builds a rocket in order to go back home. When the flight doesn't go as planned, he learns that home is where his friends are.

This is a very basic early reader, filled with mostly sight words and those that can be sounded out. Copious repetition, large font, and heavy picture support provide even more help for newer readers. Although the simple language naturally leads to less-scintillating sentences, the adorable (and often hilarious) illustrations add a lot to the story. Would be a good addition to a classroom set or leveled library. A more satisfying resolution would have bumped this one up from OPTIONAL to ADVISABLE.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- OPTIONAL.

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