
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Geraldine the Music Mouse by Leo Lionni - ESSENTIAL

Lionni, Leo Geraldine, the Music Mouse, PICTUREBOOK. Penguin Random House (Alfred A. Knopf), 1979. $17.99. Content: G.  

When Geraldine, the mouse finds a very large piece of Parmesan cheese, she enlists some help to move it to her secret place in exchange for some large portions of cheese.  But as she pulls off the chunks of cheese, the remaining block takes the form of a mouse playing its tail like a flute.  Then, as night begins to fall, Geraldine hears beautiful music coming from the statue and gains an appreciation for music.  But when her friends wants more cheese, Geraldine must decide what to do about the music.  Beautifully illustrated, this classic children’s book can be enjoyed again by another generation.  

EL (K-3) - ESSENTIAL  Lisa Librarian

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