
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Cowpoke Clyde Rides the Range by Lori Mortensen - ESSENTIAL

Mortensen, Lori Cowpoke Clyde Rides the Range, illustrated by Michael Allen Austin. PICTUREBOOK. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (Clarion), 2016. $16.99. Content: G.

When Cowpoke Clyde sees an advertisement to buy a bicycle, he decides to try one out.  They are easier to take care of than a horse (“It wouldn’t eat. It wouldn’t stray. It wouldn’t buck or bite or neigh!) and it looks like it might be fun.  Cowpoke Clyde is in for a real wild ride.  

The text is rhymed, written in the dialect of a cowpoke.  So fun to read aloud, with ellipsis before you turn the page so the reader can try to guess what’s going to happen next.   A great lesson on persistence.  

EL (K-3) - ESSENTIAL  Lisa Librarian

1 comment:

  1. Yee-haw, Lisa! Great fun to see your post featuring my new release Cowpoke Clyde Rides the Range. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. (Once you start reading it, the trick is to STOP talkin' like a cowpoke--ha, ha!) Thanks again!
