
Friday, May 20, 2016

Silly Wonderul You by Sherri Duskey Rinker- OPTIONAL

Rinker, Sherri Duskey. Silly Wonderful You, PICTURE BOOK. Balzer+Bray, 2016. $17.99. A mother lists all of the things she never imagined her life would be before she had her child. It’s messier and louder, but also so fun, full of love, and a dream come true. This is a sweet book in the end, but I didn’t like how there was a lot of focus on the hard parts of being a parent. It seems to me that the hard parts would be minimized and brushed over and the wonderful parts would be given the most attention. The book came off as if it were more meant as a gift for a parent. K-3- OPTIONAL. Reviewed by Shay, High School Librarian

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