
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Never Insult a Killer Zucchini! by Elana Azose and Brandon Amancio - ADVISABLE

Azose, Elana and Brandon Amancio   Never Insult a Killer Zucchini!  Illustrated by David Clark. Unpaged. Charlesbridge, 2016. $16.95. PICTURE BOOK

Hoping to avoid a repeat of some unnamed disaster from the previous year, the science projects are lined up in alphabetical order. Mr. Farnsworth walks through the exhibits as the judge, stalked by the killer zucchini who hears Mr. Farnsworth say he loves zucchini but then finds out that Mr. Farnsworth only loves zucchini as a snack with ranch dressing. The fair includes such exhibits as an eraser beam, photoplasm, and a shrink ray.

Starting on the title page, the story is told with cartoonish illustrations, labels, and speech bubbles with lots of sure-to-be-appreciated silliness. What makes this book even more appealing, though, are the last four pages which provide real-life connections to every project in the science fair. Kids could pour over those pages for hours. The only problem is that the style of the cartoons will appeal to younger students, but the humor and back matter will best be understood and appreciated by older students.

EL - ADVISABLE. Reviewed by P.K.Foster, teacher-librarian

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