
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Some Girls are Born to Lead by Michelle Markel -NO

Markel, Michelle Hillary Rodham Clinton: Some Girls are Born to Lead 20 pgs. Balzer & Bray (Harper Collins), 2016. $17.99 PICTURE BOOK/NON-FICTION
This is the story of Hillary Clinton. It shows a bit of her childhood before rapidly moving into her college years and adult life. We see her active participation in the womens rights movement, speaking up for unrepresented groups like migrant works, the Vietnam war, and much more. As her career evolved we learn about her continued passion for womens rights across the world and the criticism she faced at every turn.
This book features top notch engaging illustrations and I really like this author, but I did have a big problem with the opening. It states that in the 1950’s “only boys had no ceilings on their dreams” and the illustration features a large group of men including many African Americans. For the time period, this statement doesn’t ring quite true. Also it is far from an unbiased biography and is strongly pro-Hillary. Hillary has accomplished quite a bit in her life so far, but I don't think that is all necessarily because she had to prove herself as a woman, which is the feeling this book puts out there. Just give me a balanced biography for kids. Enough details such as the political terminology and historical events, that it would probably work best for 3 grade and up.
EL (K-3), EL -NO Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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