
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Click by Frank W. Dormer - ADVISABLE

Dormer, Frank W.   Click  Unpaged. Viking, 2016. $17.99. PICTURE BOOK

A dog, drawn simply with black lines, wants to catch a cat. Not a wombat or a muskrat. Click! He's wearing red shades. Click! He finds Pat. Click! Click! He finds a bat, a polecat, a copycat, a gnat. Where can he find a regular cattus-pain-in-the-neckus feline? And what's the deal with the clicks?

This is definitely an original book. Though some may predict what's coming, the ending takes you out of where you thought you were in the story, and into another story. Told with very short speech bubbles and simple rhymes, this book integrates different story-telling formats, capturing how completely immersed in another world you can feel, a world created by a story (no matter the format) and fueled by your imagination.

EL - ADVISABLE. Reviewed by P.K.Foster, teacher- librarian

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