
Monday, April 25, 2016

I saw an Invisible Lion Today: Quatrains by Brian P Cleary -ADVISABLE

Cleary, Brian I saw an Invisible Lion Today: Quatrains 32 pgs. Millbrook, 2016. $20.00 NONFICTION
This book features an explanation of what Quatrains are and how they work. It then provides 22 poems along with the Rhyme Scheme for each. Illustrations accompany each poem.
I think students would enjoy this poems as part of a lesson on Quatrains. There are actually pretty funny stuff like a sink and toothbrush arguing who has the worst job, but its toilet who wins the day. There are mustache poems, kitty litter cleaning poems, and many more that students will relate to. There are quite a few that teachers will love too, about adjectives, a thesaurus, ect. The illustrations are fun and bright and often humorous.
EL(K-3), EL -ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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