
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Guinness World Records: Wacky Wheels by Cari Meister - ADVISABLE

Meister, Cari  Guinness World Records: Wacky Wheels Harper, 2016. $3.99  EARLY READER  Content: G.   

This is a simpler version of the Guinness World Records concentrating on vehicles.  There are about thirty different unique vehicles that have broken records for their size or weight.  There are photographs of the crazy looking vehicles with their specific sizes listed.  Each page has about 2 sentences with names and large numbers which might be hard for beginning readers.  After each page my boys had other questions that weren’t covered in the book, so it made them curious about other things.  The wackiness of the vehicles does grab the reader’s attention and my boys thought the pictures were awesome.   

EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson. 

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