
Friday, April 29, 2016

Guinness World Records: Super Humans by Donald Lemke - ADVISABLE

Lemke, Donald  Guinness World Records: Super Humans!, 176 pgs.  Harper, 2016.  $12.99  Content: G.   

In this Guinness Record book the records are broken by human skill, strength or stamina.  Each page has at least one picture depicting a record accomplished by a woman or man and some pages have additional records that were broken in a similar way.  The pictures are photographs and there is 1-2 sentences explaining the feat and the person who accomplished it.  Some of the pictures are kind of shocking-like a man holding a 27 pound weight by his tongue.  My boys think this book is awesome.   

EL (K-3), EL – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson. 

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