
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Dreamstrider by Lindsay Smith -ADVISABLE

Smith, Lindsay Dreamstrider 391 pgs. Roaring Book Press, 2015. $17.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG13 Violence: PG13
Livia has a secret talent that allows her a way out of the dangerous claustrophobic slums of the tunnels. She is a dream strider, able to take over the bodies of other people while they sleep (or are forced to sleep). Acting as a spy for her country, Barstadt, she is able to live in the sunshine and air. But her freedom is held over her head, and Livia isn’t the most successful at her missions, often her partner Brandt pulling her through. When the country is threaten by the Nightmare that once plagued them and political espionage, she must try her best or lose everything.  
I was very intrigued by this story, but found the entire setting just gloomy and depressing, but not in an awesome way like Hunger Games. I found myself wondering why Livia was so worried about her country at all. The most annoying thing was that the name of her best friend and the country was so alike that I was constantly confusing them every time either of them were mentioned, which is a ton. But as the book built up steam I found myself falling into the world and the ending is just spectacular. I think many teens will relate to the ending, as its shakes the very core of Livia’s beliefs. The cover is one of the most stunning I have ever seen.
HS –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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