
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Breaking the Ice by Gail Nall - ADVISABLE

Nall, Gail Breaking the Ice, 306 pgs. Simon and Schuster, 2015. $7.99.  

Language: G ( 0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.   

12-year-old Kaitlin figure skates for the competitive Ridgeline club, but when a low score leads to Kaitlin yelling at the judges and subsequently pulling down the medals table, Kaitlin is kick off the team.  As word spreads about her outburst, none of the other clubs in the area want her, so she joins the Fallton Club, the only rink and coach that will accept her.  Can Kaitlin put together a different routine and get it ready in time for regionals? 

This book covers so many teen issues: making friends, dealing with mean people, finding your own voice, dating, doing the right thing (doing the wrong thing), working hard for something you really want.  This well written clean read is a perfect middle school girl choice; authentic issues the girls can relate to, with practical solutions and outcomes.   

MS - ADVISABLE  Lisa Librarian

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