
Saturday, April 30, 2016

I Thought This Was a Bear Book by Tara Lazar - ADVISABLE

Lazar, Tara I Thought This Was a Bear Book.  PICTURE BOOK.  Aladdin (Simon), 2015. Language: G (no swears, no “F’s”); Mature content: G; Violence: G.

I Thought This Was a Bear Book reads like a graphic novel. It’s the story of the three bears with the addition of Prince Zilch from Planet Zero, a Martian whose space ship crash lands accidentally on page 2. Prince Zilch must get out of the story and back to his planet in order to save it from total destruction. The bears try everything they can think of to help Prince Zilch get back to his planet, but nothing they attempt works and Goldilocks keeps getting the way. Finally, it’s up to the reader to shake the book in the hopes that it will get poor lost Prince Zilch home safely. The shaking works! 

This book delights my son every time we read it. He loves to be involved in the Martian rescue effort and the illustrations make this book fun to look as well as enjoyable to read over and over and over again.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: JL

Mr. Putter and Tabby Smell the Roses by Rylant -

Rylant, Cynthia, Mr. Putter and Tabby Smell the Roses.  EARLY READER. Houghton Milton Harcourt, 2015. Language: G (no swears, no “F’s”); Mature content: G; Violence: G.

This adorable story is heartwarming from start to finish. Mr. Putter and his cat, Tabby are the best of friend with their next door neighbors, Mrs. Teaberry and her dog, Zeke. They do everything together and always have a lot of fun. Mr. Putter wants to plan the perfect birthday surprise for Mrs. Teaberry. Balloons, ice cream, and cake aren’t enough to show Mrs. Teaberry how special she is. Mr. Putter decides the Conservatory is the perfect place to celebrate her special day. Everyone dresses their very best and the day goes perfectly…until Zeke finds the banana tree. He can’t resist taking a taste. This causes the guard to blow his whistle, sending Tabby scrambling terrified into a nearby lemon tree. Lemons rain down on everyone. The day could be ruined by this series of unfortunate events, but instead, Mr. Putter and Mrs. Teaberry prove that they can make the best out of any situation. They take Zeke and Tabby home and make some lemonade. 

The message of this tale is great for children and adults. No day and no person or pet is ever perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. The best thing to do when things don’t go as planned is make the best of a less than ideal situation. I will read this book to my child and myself whenever I need a great reminder set to adorable pictures and loveable characters.

EL (K-3) - ADVIABLE. Reviewer: JLarsen

Friday, April 29, 2016

Other Broken Things by C. Desir - PUBLIC ONLY

Desir, C.  Other Broken Things, 247 pgs.  Simon and Schuster, 2016.  $17.99  Content: Language: R (150+ swears; 92 “F”); Mature Content: R; Violence: PG.   

Natalie is an alcoholic and because she was charged with a DUI she has to attend AA meetings and do community service.  While denying her problem, she meets Joe, a man who is twice her age, and a member of her AA group.  Joe and Natalie have chemistry, but Natalie has to face why she has made the poor decisions she has to get her to this point and Joe is constantly fighting his own battle.  With the help from a supportive sponsor named Kathy, Joe, and her mother, Natalie has to find herself again and face the hard parts of her life.   

This is a humbling look at teen alcoholism.  I liked Natalie’s character and her story could warn teens away from this pitfall or help them find hope in overcoming addiction.  That said the content makes it hard to recommend for a school library-there is descriptive sex and other sexual activities, underage drinking, drug use and smoking and the language needs to be noted.   

PUBLIC ONLY  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

Guinness World Records: Super Humans by Donald Lemke - ADVISABLE

Lemke, Donald  Guinness World Records: Super Humans!, 176 pgs.  Harper, 2016.  $12.99  Content: G.   

In this Guinness Record book the records are broken by human skill, strength or stamina.  Each page has at least one picture depicting a record accomplished by a woman or man and some pages have additional records that were broken in a similar way.  The pictures are photographs and there is 1-2 sentences explaining the feat and the person who accomplished it.  Some of the pictures are kind of shocking-like a man holding a 27 pound weight by his tongue.  My boys think this book is awesome.   

EL (K-3), EL – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.