
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Valkyrie by Kate O'Hearn - ESSENTIAL

O’Hearn, Kate Valkyrie, 344 pages, Aladdin, $17.99, Language: G(0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG; 

Freya is a valkyrie.  If you don’t know what that is, look it up.  She is dreading her upcoming birthday when she’ll have to reap her first soldier.  The minute before Freya reaps him, her soldier asks a request, to look after his daughters.  When Freya gave her word, she is whirled around in a crazy and yet exciting chase in Midgard(Earth).  There is one question that remains as Freya is in constant watch over the soldier’s kids.  Will Freya choose to stay with the humans she has come to love, or will she obey her duty and leave them behind, breaking her heart in the process? 

I really lived this book.  It was a modern way to look at Norse mythology.  Mature Content is PG because there is just a bit of romance along with bullying.  Violence is PG because there is some killing and blood after a dangerous fight.  

MS - ESSENTIAL Student Reviewer: JM(7th grade)   

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