
Saturday, March 5, 2016

The Wrong Side of the Bed by Lisa M. Bakos - ADVISABLE

Bakos, Lisa M. The Wrong Side of the Bed, illustrated by Anna Raff. PICTURE BOOK Penguin, 2016. $16.99 Content: G.  

When Lucy wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, nothing goes right for her that day.  Besides the regular things, like losing a slipper, and missing the bus, there’s also other problems like a porcupine who wants to cuddle, penguins making bubbles in her bath and an octopus who steals her matching socks.  What can she do with such a bad day? Make it different first thing tomorrow.  

This is full of repetition that builds on itself, so children will love it as both a read along and an independent read.  The illustrations are appealing, with all the funny animals making things worse than they should be.  A nice companion to Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day.

EL  (K-3) - ADVISABLE  Lisa Librarian

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