
Monday, March 14, 2016

The Glorkian Warrior eats Adventure Pie by James Kochalka -NO

Kochalka, James The Glorkian Warrior eats Adventure Pie 125 pgs First Second, 2015. $16.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G GRAPHIC NOVEL
The Glorkian Warrior has a baby alien eating his brain, which makes it hard to battle a space snake, his nemesis Buster Glark, and babysit Gonk.
I won’t even be giving this book away let alone checking it into my library. I think I have brain damage from reading it, and I am not one to shy away from fart jokes and goofiness (see my review of Otis Dooda). This graphic novel reads as nonsensical, bizarre, and gross. It must be popular or this second installment wouldn’t come out, but geez, give me Captain Underpants any day over this. Seriously.
EL  –NO Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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