Moore, Julianne Freckleface Strawberry: Loose Tooth! Illustrated by LeUyen Pham. EARLY READER. Doubleday Books for Young Readers (Random House), 2016. $12.99. Content: G.
Freckleface Strawberry has a loose tooth, and it's creating a lot of complications. She wants it to come out at just the right time: at school, when she can go to the nurse and get a tooth necklace. Unfortunately, timing such a thing is difficult -- and a bit painful, too.
While the plot is not particularly complex or surprising, children who have been desperate to win a tooth necklace for themselves will likely relate to Freckleface Strawberry's plight. The language is a bit stilted for a really fun read-aloud, although it could work. It would likely be more effective for a leveled-reader collection in an early elementary library or classroom.
EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn
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