
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Dylan the Villain by K. G. Campbell - ADVISABLE

Campbell, K.G. Dylan the Villain, PICTUREBOOK. Penguin (Viking), 2016. $17.99.  

Mr. and Mrs. Snivels are very proud of their little Dylan, who is a strong and happy super-villain.  He has a great costume, a crazy laugh and clever inventions.  He’s the best super villain ever. But when he gets to school, Addison Van Malice seems to be better at everything, so Dylan is determined to win the diabolical robot contest.  

This is a great look at academic rivalry and working hard to obtain your goals (and being a little sneaky to make sure you reach them.) The illustrations are hilarious - the parents think Dylan is the greatest despite the terrible mess and destruction he causes.  The bad guys against the bad guys.  This is a fun book.  

EL  (K-3) - ADVISABLE  Lisa Librarian

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