
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dare to Disappoint by Ӧzge Samanci - OPTIONAL

Samanci, Ӧzge Dare to Disappoint: Growing up in Turkey, Graphic Memoir. 190 pgs. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2015. $16.99. Language: G (0 swears) Mature Content: PG13 (mature teen conversations) Violence: PG13 (some disturbing graphic novel images)  

Ӧzge is so excited to start school and be like her sister, but, in Turkey in the 1980’s children needed to be incredibly dedicated and intelligent to get into the best schools and attend the best colleges.  Unfortunately, Ӧzge is more interested in theater, deep sea diving and the arts than in more practical studies and is not successful at school.  Much to the disappointment of her father.  

The political and religious turmoil of Turkey sets an interesting backdrop for this coming of age memoir.  I’m not sure if this is a story about how difficult it was to get an education (or even survive) during this turbulent time in Turkey, or if it is about the inner struggle of a young girl trying to find her place.  Too violent and disturbing for the middle school students, however, this text offers a concise historical context that may be helpful and interesting to the older readers.  

HS - OPTIONAL  Lisa Librarian

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