
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Child Soldier by Jessica Humphreys and Michel Chikwanine – OPTIONAL

Humphreys, Jessica and Chikwanine, Michel Child Soldier 47 pgs Kids Can Press, 2015. $18.00 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG13 Violence: PG13 GRAPHIC NOVEL/NONFICTION
This is the true story of Michel Chikwanine, who was a victim of kidnap at the age of 5 and forced into child soldier acts in his home country of the Democratic Republic of Congo. After he was able to escape his life changed forever and he decided to share his story and fight for the rights of children
This is a heavy but important topic. As part of discussion on current events I think it would appropriate part of a teacher led discussion for sixth grade and up. The kidnapping and heavy violence make just too dark for younger grades. I liked the section in the back called What Can you Do? It gives some great ideas for children who want to help out. The art is very basic and is graphic novel format.
EL, MS – OPTIONAL  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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