
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Believe your Eyes (Cici: a Fairy’s Tale #1) by Cori Doerrfeld –ADVISABLE

Doerrfeld, Cori  Believe your Eyes (Cici: a Fairy’s Tale #1) 140 pgs. Graphic Universe (Lerner), 2016. $15.00  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G GRAPHIC NOVEL
Cici is about to turn 10 but she isn’t very excited about her birthday, instead is she is upset that her dad moved out and her parents are getting a divorce. When her Abuelita (grandmother) comes to stay with them, Cici learns the family secret, she is a fairy. She only has a day to decide if she wants to stay one. In the meantime, she is ignoring her own birthday to go to a party her best friend wants to go to instead. With her new fairy sight she discovers many things, not all of them good.
The fairy part of this story was more a gilding for all the real life lessons about life, family, and friendship. It’s a darling graphic novel. My only issue is that the cover is very child like and appealing, but the subjects broached in the plot are better third grade plus, I can already foresee arguments with first graders.
EL –ADVISABLE  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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