Peevyhouse, Parker Where Futures End, 289 pages. Kathy Dawson (Penguin), 2016. $18.
Langauge: PG (16 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG (talk of a future
where women take several husbands); Violence: G.
When Dylan was little he dreamed (or did he) of a fantasy
land that was oh so much better than the life he was leading. Now a teen, he is desperate to escape to that
other place, sure that it is real. Fast
forward ten years, then sixty years, and finally 100 years in the future. Dylan’s choice has change the worlds and the
consequences are coming due.
Peevyhouse has made bold, maybe bizarre, choices for the
future to showcase the consequences of Dylan’s jump to another world. Hand sell this to your absolute best science
fiction readers. It would probably even
be a bold choice for a class room read in the 10th or 11th
Library teacher
Yeah. Couldn't get into this, and couldn't think of any students to whom I would recommend it.