
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ungodly by Kendare Blake - NO

Blake, Kendare  Ungodly (Goddess War, #3), 363 pgs.  Tor Teen, 2015.  $17.99  Content: Language: R (90 swears; 8 “F”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: R.  

After Cassandra and her friends tried to unsuccessful storm Olympus, they are separated.  Unsure whether or not each other is alive, they have their own set of problems.  Cassandra allies with Thanatos and Calypso and tries to find her missing friends while figuring out what is killing the gods.  Athena takes her hero, Odysseus, to the underworld in an attempt to save his mortal life.  Meanwhile, Hector, Hermes and Andy are trying to find a shield that will protect them from the trader Achilles.  All the gods are dying and all the mortal heroes are trying to save their gods, but when they have to face the Fates their existence is decided.  

This is an action packed adventure with a wacky take on the Gods of Olympus.  As the last book in the series, a lot of characters and their stories had to be tied up, but it was a very satisfying ending.  This book is hard to recommend because of the language as well as the gruesome and descriptive violence which is too bad because the story was fun.   

HS – NO  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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