
Friday, February 19, 2016

Tell me a Tattoo Story by Alison McGhee –GIFT

McGhee, Alison Tell me a Tattoo Story Chronicle Books, 2016. $16.99 PICTURE BOOK
In this story a tattooed dad explains the origins of each of his tattoos to his son. They all represent different important things in his life from his parents, to his favorite books, to his time at war, to meeting his wife, and finally his love for his son. Which one will be his son’s favorite?
The artwork in this story in some of my favorite that I have ever seen. I don’t think this book would go over that well in my school library (despite the fact that I myself have a large tattoo), I have many students who are not even allowed to wear fake tattoos. However I think this would be an awesome gift to a family with tattooed parents and young children.
PRE-K,EL (K-3) –GIFT Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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