
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Spits and Sticks: A Chimney Full of Swifts by Marily Evans –OPTIONAL

Evans, Marilyn  Spits and Sticks: A Chimney Full of Swifts 20 pgs. Charlesbridge, 2015. $16.95 PICTURE BOOK
This book features a side by side story of a family of birds living their life in a chimney and that of the family that lives in that home. Both are building a nest, creating a family, and raising a family. Then of course, lucky birds, fly south for the winter, but the family stays.
The water color illustrations are just not my favorite, especially the landscapes and the people. The facts at the end of the book talk about the reduction in population and the protected status, so its great with getting students on board to help watch out for these birds (especially what to do if they build a nest in your own chimney). Are birds popular in your library or your thing? Then this would be a great book, but I probably wouldn’t seek this one out, as I have bigger fish to fry in my collection.
EL(K-3) –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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