
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Meg Goldberg on Parade by Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum, illustrated by Christopher Lyles - ADVISABLE

Rosenbaum, Andria Warmflash.  Meg Goldberg on Parade, illustrated by Christopher Lyles.  Kar-Ben Publishing (Lerner), 2015.  $17.99.  PICTURE BOOK.  Content-G. 
 Meg Goldberg attends the Israel parade in New York City and imagines that she is a part of it all.  She walks with the mayor and then walks with the children holding posters of Israeli things.  She tosses out samples of Jewish food and then dances with the folk dancers.  She carries the Israeli flag tightly, walks with the floats, and plays with the band.  She’s so important that they crown her Grand Marshal and invite her back next year.  She heads home with her family and remembers all of the fun things that she dreamed about the parade.  You don’t have to know much about the Israeli or Jewish culture to enjoy this book.  Meg is a dynamic and imaginative character and everyone loves a parade.  There is a short glossary in the back in case there are any words or terms unfamiliar to the reader.  The illustrations are busy, colorful, and absolutely brilliant. 
 Pre-K, EL-ADVISABLE.  Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS.   


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your great review! Glad you enjoyed Meg Goldberg on Parade!
    Andria Warmflash Rosenbaum
