
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Into the Dim by Janet B. Taylor - ADVISABLE

Taylor, Janet B. Into the Dim, 425 pages.  Houghton Mifflin, 2016.  $18.

Language: R (60 swears, 2 ‘f’); Violence: PG-13 (some blood, one gory mention of human entrails); Mature Content: PG-13 (married woman forced into another marriage in the past where she is abused).

Hope Watson may have an eidetic memory, but while that gives her a lot of knowledge, is doesn’t necessarily give her courage.  Her mother is believed to be killed in an earthquake in India and her father has just had a memorial service for her.  Now Hope is being shuttled off to an aunt she has never met who lives in Scotland.  Its either that or stay with her step-grandmother, who hates Hope with an obvious passion.  When Hope arrives in Scotland and at the family castle, she stumbles almost immediately onto the family secret – they are time travelers and Hope’s mother is actually stuck in the past – the time of Eleanor of Aquitaine to be exact.  Only Hope and tow of her cousins can go back and attempt to rescue Hope’s mother.  Of course there are enemies, including a very handsome one who seems very familiar to Hope for some reason. 

Fans of Kerstin Geir will enjoy another similar look at the past.  Taylor’s world is a less chaotic (especially the family relationships) and I am holding out hope for more books.  Shame about the high swear count. 

HS – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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