
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

See How They Work and Look Inside Diggers by Simon Morse - ADVISABLE

Morse, Simon See How They Work and Look Inside Diggers  Illustrators Simon Tegg and Ross Watton Flowerpot Press, 2015 (Aladdin).  $7.99  PICTURE BOOK Content: G.   

This informational book tells about many different types of diggers and their parts.  It also explains different projects that diggers are involved in such as building tunnels, bringing down buildings and making roads.  It also gives a bit of history on some of the earlier digging machines.   

The photographs and illustrations throughout will appeal to truck lovers.  The side bars and information aren’t too complex, but any words that might be hard are explained in the glossary.  Each page spread has a paragraph explaining the main idea of the page and then there are 3-6 side bars and extra explanations.  This is a good introduction into heavy machinery and for your nonfiction readers.   

EL (K-3), EL – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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