
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Gwendolyn Grace by Katherine Hannigan - ADVISABLE

Hannigan, Katherine Gwendolyn Grace.  PICTURE BOOK.   Greenwillow Books, 2015. $17.99.  Content: G

Gwendolyn’s sister is sleeping. She wants desperately to play and make noise and since she’s told to be quiet, she asks her mom all kinds of clarifying questions about what she shouldn’t be doing.  She wants to make sure she can’t play music in the kitchen, swim in the bathtub, slide down the stairs or jump on the bed.  Each time her mother patiently answers in the affirmative.  Gwendolyn can’t wait for her sister to wake up so they can play together.  

The story is simple one of children following directions, but putting their own spin on how they interpret the directions.  Gwendolyn definitely is a little on the naughty side, but is also super sweet and loving.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) - ADVISABLE.  Reviewer: SM

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