
Monday, January 4, 2016

Are You My Dinner? by Tracey West - ADVISABLE

West, Tracey  Are You My Dinner?, 200 pgs. Grosset and Dunlap, 2015 (Penguin).  $9.99  Content: G.   

Throughout this colorful book food is explored in many different ways.  Each page has 1-2 different facts about food in the following topics: historically, holiday, fun foods, shocking foods, technology’s connection to food, how different animals scavenge and other interesting facts about food.  The pictures are colorful and the facts are meant to surprise or shock the reader.   

This book reminds me of the National Geographic Myths Busted books because it is the same size and has similar information.  These types of books are fun and my kids like to follow me around the house spouting off interesting facts.  As for their literary value, it’s pretty low, they read like a list or caption to the picture, but they get kids picking up books.   

EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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