
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Took: A Ghost Story by Mary Hahn - OPTIONAL

Hahn, Mary Downing Took: A Ghost Story, 264 pages. CLARION BOOKS, 2015. Language-G (0 swear, 0 "f"s) Mature Content-G; Violence-G; 

Daniel's parents force him and his younger sister to move from their comfortable life in Connecticut, to an old, creaky house, placed in the forest of West Virginia. No one at school is nice to them and the students share freaky stories about a witch called Old Auntie, who every fifty years takes a little girl from Daniel's house. But Daniel thinks these are just stories meant to scare him, until his sister disappears into the forest. 

I liked this book. I was worried, the title made it sound very scary, and although I could not sleep until I finished the book, I appreciate how it was not as scary as I thought it would be. I especially loved how a few times the story was written from Old Auntie's point of view, which also helped to make her seem less scary. 

EL, MS- ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: MMH

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