Slobodkina, Esphyr. More Caps for Sale: Another Tale of Mischievous Monkeys, PICTURE BOOK. Harper, 2015. $18.99. This sequel takes up where the Caps for Sale story leaves off. The hat peddler is on his way home from dealing with the monkeys and getting his hat back. He doesn’t notice that the monkeys are following him home. The peddler is consumed with worry about not selling any hats for the day and he blames the monkeys for making him waste his time. The next morning the peddler is refreshed and ready to go to work. He has forgotten all about the monkeys but they follow him into town, imitating his behaviors as they go. The town is very busy, but as the peddler starts to try to sell his wares, the monkeys begin doing the same things that he does. This entertains the townspeople and he sells all of his caps. This sequel isn’t quite as well done as the original. At first, I thought that the book was going to center around the peddler imitating the monkeys, which I thought would be a fun twist, but it didn’t follow that pattern. It’s not as striking as the first book, but for readers who love the first one, they will definitely want it. PRE-K, EL (K-3)- ADVISABLE. Reviewed by Shay, School Librarian
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