
Monday, December 14, 2015

Maisy's Digger by Lucy Cousins - ESSENTIAL

Cousins, Lucy Maisy's Digger.  BOARD BOOK.  Candlewick Press, 2015. Language: G (no swears, no “F’s”); Mature content: G; Violence: G.

Maisy's Digger is a delightful story in the Go With Maisy Board Book series. Maisy is an adorable mouse with a crew of animal friends that love to help her have a lot of fun. In this story, Maisy uses her digger to create a pond, with her friends' help, of course. Charlie provides the gravel, Cyril lines the pond with plants, Eddie fills it with water, and don't forget Tallulah with some fish! 
The Maisy series does a great job of breaking gender stereotypes. All of the animals help out and share the work equally. It is especially poignant that Maisy, a girl, is the one in charge of the digger. She represents the ladies well in her overalls and with her go-get-it done attitude. My son loves this book and sometimes wants me to read it three or four times in a row. It is refreshing reading him a book that can also teach him a lesson about the world in the 21st century. One last absolutely charming part of the book is the cute little ladybug that appears in a different place on each page. I have just as much fun trying to find the bug and pointing it out as my one-year-old!

Pre-K - ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer: JL, LA Teacher

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