
Saturday, December 19, 2015

I really like Slop! by Mo Willems –ESSENTIAL

Willems, Mo I really like Slop! Hyperion, 2015 $17.99 EARLY READER

Piggie shows Gerald a bowl of slop. Gerald is appalled and questions Piggie about the smelly green slop. Piggie tells him how much she loves slop, then gets a great idea that he should give it a try. Will Gerald the elephant agree to try something new and possible disgusting?

Trying to explain this very simple story, I ended up using big words that Mo would never use! I was cracking up reading this! I especially love the illustrations which add SO much to the personality and hilarity. I read this to many classes of lower grade students, we stopped and brainstormed what the Slop would smell like, my favorite was “Broccoli Farts”. Students were quite worried, by the ending, that Piggie and Gerald are a couple, which was also funny. Great lesson here about trying new things and friendship.

EL(K-3) –ESSENTIAL  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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