
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

How Mirka Caught a Fish (Hereville #2) by Barry Deutsch –NO

Deutsch, Barry How Mirka Caught a Fish (Hereville#2) Amulet, 2015 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G $17.95 GRAPHIC NOVEL
Mirka is an Orthodox Jewish girl who has had some adventures in book #1, in this story she is babysitting. After meeting with a spider like magic demon, her and her little step sister Layele end up time traveling and seeing Layele’s mom as a child, then they fight a giant fish. When Layele ends up kidnapped, Mirka must take a closer look at her step mom’s past.
This book is not a stand alone, and I found coming in as a new reader to book #2, nearly impossible. Haven’t not ‘bought’ into the world, this book was pretty much just off the wall strange and challenging to understand. I thought the little sister big vs big sister dynamic REALLY annoying and didn’t want to read the story because of it. The artwork is stellar, but I wouldn’t add this book to my library.

MS, HS  –NO Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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