
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Disney Bunnies: All Ears by Calliope Glass- ADVISABLE

Glass, Calliope. Disney Bunnies: All Ears, BOARD BOOK. Disney Press, 2016. $7.99. Move Thumper’s ears this way and that to go along with the story. Sometimes Thumper is afraid and he hides behind his ears. Sometimes Thumper is happy and his ears stand straight up. There are actual fuzzy, bendable ears attached to the top of this book. Thumper gives all the directions for how to shape them to match his mood. Although the ears might make it a little difficult to shelve this book, it’s actually pretty darn cute. A little slim on the content (the bulk of the book is where the ears attach), but little ones will love shaping the ears this way and that. PRE-K- ADVISABLE. Reviewed by Shay, School Librarian

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