
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Coco and the Little Black Dress by Annemarie Van Haeringen –NO

Van Haeringen, Annemarie Coco and the Little Black Dress North South, 2015 $16.95 PICTURE BOOK/BIOGRAPHY
This bare bones biography features a plain sparse drawings and descriptions of Coco's early life in an orphanage, learning more about what women’s fashion was like, and coming up with her own way to change things.
This book reduces a fascinating, enigmatic, and talented women into an incredibly dull story with drab and uninteresting imagery. I wouldn’t add this to my library, as there are images of adult women in their underwear. I would add a biography that had photographs and more information. I am not digging some of these picture book biographies coming out lately that seem more about the artsy illustrations than the person themselves. I would consider myself a Coco fan, and this book still doesn’t appeal to me.
EL –NO  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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