
Monday, November 9, 2015

What’s Inside my Computer? by Christine Zuchora-Walske -ADVISABLE

Zuchora-Walske, Christine What’s Inside my Computer? 32 pgs. Lerner, 2016. $25.00 NONFICTION
This informational book starts with the computer basics, then is divided up by short chapters of Input, Memory, Processing, and Output. Each stage is clearly explained, related computer parts named, and easy to understand examples. For example: Pictures, like selfies, are a form of Input. Bright pages, text variety, and large colorful photography are presented on each page.

This is a great introduction for students learning the basics of computers. It could work for as young as second grade readers, as the vocabulary is kept quite basic. The plethora of images makes the text easier to understand. Each year our school participates in The Hour of Code, and this book would make a great part of the introduction.
EL (K-3), EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author

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