
Monday, November 16, 2015

A Plague of Bogles by Catherine Jinks - ADVISABLE

Jinks, Catherine.  A Plague of Bogles (Bogles #2).  Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt, 2015.  $16.99.  330 pages.  

Language: G (3 swears).  Sexual content: G.  Violence: PG  


A sequel to How to Catch a Bogle, this story is told from Jem’s perspective, a former pickpocket, turned grocer’s boy who recently lost his job.  Jem passes a sign that advertises the services of Birdie McAdam, his friend. When Jem tries to enter to speak to her but the proprietor won’t let him in.  Alfred tells Miss Eames and Birdie about the false advertising and they put it to a stop.  Meanwhile it seems that one area of town, particularly by the sewers, is full of bogles.  Alfred needs more than one child helper to combat them.  Birdie is eager to be of use, but Miss Eames believes it to be too dangerous.  Jem is also searching for Sarah Pickles who used to be his boss and in the first book tried to have him fed to a bogle.  He discovers she has a new sinister business that is attracting the bogles.  Can he bring his former boss to justice?  Or will he suffer the fate of all those other children who were eaten by a bogle?  

The plot is fast-paced and exciting.  Although it is historical fiction, children will relate to the characters and their desire to be of use and important in an adult world.  Author Jinks, accurately portrays the darker world of poverty-stricken Victorian London and what life was like for the lower classes creating a dark, interesting read.  

Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS.   

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