
Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow - ADVISABLE

Bow, Erin The Scorpion Rules, 384 pages.  Margaret K. McElderry, 2015.  $18.  Language: R (37 swears, 2 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG-13 (talk of off page sex, pregnancy alluded to).

Greta and the others all know what is expected of them.  If their parents start or are involved in a  war, then they, as the hostages, die.  Though they are technically princesses and princes, or in Da-Xia’s case, a goddess, they live in very humble circumstances hoping that they will never see the plume of dust that will signal their demise.  When a new hostage, Elian is brought, however, he is resistant and defiant about his role as a hostage.  So defiant that he comes to the attention of Talis - the AI who was given enough control over the entire world to create the hostage system 400 years earlier.  If Greta and Elian’s kingdoms go to war, then they will both die.  There has never been a way to escape that.

Bow takes Asimov’s I, Robot conundrum and turns it in brilliant new ways.  Greta’s poise, her dignity, her humanity shine through and through as she navigates the steps towards her demise.  This is not a romance, but it is full of love.  Bow has surpassed anything that she has previously written.  I know the content labels are high, but I loved it.  

MS -OPTIONAL, HS - ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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