
Monday, October 19, 2015

I am Lucille Ball by Brad Meltzer - ESSENTIAL

Meltzer, Brad  I am Lucille Ball  Illustrated by Christopher Eliopoulos  Dial Books for Young Readers, 2015 (Penguin).  $12.99  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.  

Lucille Ball loved to be crazy and funny, but everybody thought that what she did was improper for a little girl. She loved to play and have a big imagination. Soon Ms. Ball had people noticing her power to make people laugh.  When she was a teenager she started to put on plays.  Soon she had her own show, and people thought that she was funny. 

I liked this book because the pictures were really cool. I thought that this story was interesting because of what she did. You need to have this book.   

EL (K-3)-ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, Isabelle, age 11.         

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