
Monday, October 19, 2015

Emergency Vehicles by Rod Green - OPTIONAL

Green, Rod  Emergency Vehicles  Illustrated by Stephen Biesty  Templar Books, 2015 (Candlewick Press).  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.   

This book takes a look at eight different emergency vehicles including: police cars, fire engines, a firefighting airplane, rescue submarines, fire boats, air ambulances, a lifeboat and an ambulance.  Each page spread shows the vehicle with two lift the flaps to show the inside of the vehicle.  There are sidebars with more of the same kind of vehicles.  There are interesting facts about what the vehicle can do and how it aids the rescue workers in their jobs.  The vocabulary seems a bit high for young kids even though it has a board book feel to it.  There is 10-15 explanations throughout the page explaining different parts of the vehicle.  This book would probably get picked up by younger readers, because of the way it looks and feels but they would be overwhelmed by all the information since it’s aimed at an older reader.  This moves it from advisable to optional.  


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