
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

An A from Miss Keller by Patricia Polacco - ESSENTIAL

Polacco, Patricia  An A from Miss Keller  G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2015.  $17.99  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.   

This book is about Patricia Polacco going to school.  She finds out that she has one of the meanest teachers in the whole school, Ms. Keller, the writing teacher.  Ms. Keller thinks that their writing needs to be perfect, so nobody gets a good grade.  Patricia goes to talk to her neighbor, Pop, and he tells her stories.  When Pop dies, Patricia writes about him and gets an A from Ms. Keller.  

I liked this book because the pictures were really good.  I thought the topic about the beginning of her career in writing was interesting.  I enjoy true stories and this book was good because it really happened.  

 EL (K-3), EL – ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer, Isabelle, age 11.

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